The club has form a sub committee the Hereditary Diseases and Disorders Advisory Panel, a.k.a. HDDAP, to work on promoting good health in Australian Shepherds.
To assist Australian Shepherd owners and breeders with any issues or questions pertaining to the health of the breed.
To act as a confidential resource to Australian Shepherd owners and breeders on health issues within the breed.
To support Australian Shepherd breeders in improving the health of the breed.
Current issues being discussed are the new Victorian Prevention of Cruelty to Animals legislation Clause 89 and the implications for breeding, health status of the breed in Australia through our anonymous survey, the ACES eye certification scheme and development of information leaflets for new owners and breeders. (Note: Survey results will be published shortly)
The committee is also available for any member or interested Aussie owner/breeder wanting more information or assistance in dealing with health issues that have arisen in their dog or lines. We are totally confidential whenever such requests for assistance are made and strive at all times to be welcoming, supportive and responsible. Our meetings are open to any member but may request closure of the meeting to committee only to discuss any confidential information.